Affirmative Resonance
2018, Video Installation

Affirmative resonance describes a phenomenon where groups collectively generate sounds that resonate within a space, thus reinforcing the legitimacy of their group and its identity patterns.*
This multimedia installation comprises three core elements: a multichannel video installation, textual components, and a sound piece.
The multichannel video captures individual hand-clapping sequences, each corresponding to specific nationalistic ceremonies, memorial days, and international sporting events where national anthems has repeatedly be performed. These source materials were drawn from YouTube's vast repository of both official and personal recordings.
The clapping has varying durations, all based on and pointed to one particular event. Among those documentations of these events, an intense applause has always been created by the crowd after the performance of a national anthem. The clapping of the work followed those different durations, therefore, some clapping last longer while some are shorter.
In the end, the individual tracks merge into one-channel sound, becoming one ‘collective’ applause. And on the other hand, the first 47 seconds, which has been silenced - a duration that mirrors the length of the Chinese national anthem.
The work tries to unpack the moment when a collective mind is activated by the gesture of hand-clapping. It explores the psychological mechanics of collective consciousness, specifically examining how the physical act of group applause during nationalistic moments serves to synchronize and unify individual mindsets through sonic participation.
*Birdsall, Carolyn. Nazi Soundscapes: Sound, Technology and Urban Space in Germany, 1933-1945
Multichannel video installation,
vinyl text on wall, multichannel sound
00’ 42’’
Exhibition views: Zaal 3, Den Haag, in The Netherlands.