At The Time When (2024)
Between Faces, Stories and Power (2023)
flo-o-o (2023)
The State of Being Vanished (2021)
dok dat dap dap (2021)
I am not a robot (2020–2021)
The Rise of Modern China (2018)
Affirmative Resonance (2018)
‘Parts’ of China (2017)
Transliterations (2017)
Ximplification of a Language (2016)
A Living Space: Houses (2014–15)
Breathe (2012)
Circle (2011)

Düsseldorf, Germany
Wai Lun Hsu
At The Time When (2024)
Between Faces, Stories and Power (2023)
flo-o-o (2023)
The State of Being Vanished (2021)
dok dat dap dap (2021)
I am not a robot (2020-2021)
The Rise of Modern China (2018/2023)
Affirmative Resonance (2018)
‘Parts’ of China (2017)
Transliteration (2017)
‘Ximplification’ of a language (2016)
A Living Space: Houses (2014–15)
Breathe (2012)
Circle 11’49’’(2011)
Artists, Researcher
Hong Kong & Düsseldorf
Artists, Researcher
Hong Kong & Düsseldorf
Artist, Researcher

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